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A monthly donation

  • The Double Double

    Every month
    For the price of one large Timmies Double Double a month you can:
    • Send a strong message
    • Lift our spirits
  • The Double Double Double

    Every month
    For the price of TWO Timmies Double Doubles a month you can:
    • Send a strong message twice as hard
    • Lift our spirits twice as hard
    • General support
  • The 500 ml Maple Syrup

    Every month
    For the price of an average 500 ml maple syrup bottle a month you can:
    • The previous tiers plus
    • Endorse our policies
    • Get some digital downloads!
  • The Large Poutine

    Every month
    For the price of a large poutine a month, you can:
    • The previous tiers plus
    • Help us fund better tools and ads
    • Stickers/pins/and the like
  • The Canada Flag

    Every month
    For the price of what some of the Canada flags on parliament hill cost you can:
    • Get the previous tiers plus
    • A small flag
  • The Hockey Stick

    Every month
    For the price of a cheap hockey stick a month you can:
    • Get the previous tiers plus
    • Help us widen our reach
    • Some of our merch
  • The Max Elections Canada Allows Annually

    Every month
    Technically the limit is a little higher but anyways, you can:
    • Get the previous tiers
    • Help us fund our most ambitious campaigns
    • A personal hand-written thank you from Amr Nosir
    • More merch
  • Patreon
  • TikTok
  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Discord
  • X
  • Facebook
  • Reddit
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