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Core Platform

Canada deserves a bold vision

Sunset Banff mountains Canada

For a Brighter Tomorrow


Select your top concerns to see how we will address them
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The Big cards below are our recommended presets.
Each focuses on a specific topic and others related to it.

This url displays the filtered platform:

The Future Party Canada platform AI policy Calgary bow tower
AI Policy

Technology, Security, Economy

  • Encourage Investment and adoption

  • Flexibly account for risks

  • Train an easily available large language model

  • Establish reskilling programs

The Future Party Canada platform cultural freedoms First Nation Tipi
Cultural Freedoms

Culture, Identity

  • Protect Canadians' freedom of choice

  • Protect Canadians' freedom of belief

  • Promote Canadian values

The Future Party Canada platform EV Infrastructure car foggy parking lot
EV Infrastructure

Infrastructure, Development, Environment

  • Improve intercity charging infrastructure

  • Make them a 30 mins+ attraction

  • Be a vibrant part of the small towns around

The Future Party Canada platform education Carleton University picture
Education Stances

Identity, Culture, Family

  • Education is provincial. The following is what we would support.

  • Balance individual freedom and parental rights

  • Improve STEM education

  • Promote careers in trades

The Future Party Canada platform environment Wolfe Island wind turbines
Environmental Strategy

Economy, Environment

  • Expand use of renewable technology

  • Expand nuclear energy use

  • Increase R&D on decarbonization-related tech

  • Build-out EV infrastructure Canada-wide

The Future Party Canada platform Government reform Ottawa parliament under construction
Government Efficiency


  • Pause public servant expansion

  • Flatten the hierarchy

  • Make teams multi-discplinary

  • End redundancy and increase automation

Government Transparency

Government, Security

  • Make online searches of records significantly cheaper.

  • Automate online requests.

  • Identify other obstacles to accessing information.

  • Eliminate said obstacles.

The Future Party Canada platform Immigration reform Immigrant statue Quebec City
Immigration Reform

Immigration, Economy

  • Have immigration reflect Canada's needs

  • Recognize immigrant experience

  • Increase application transparency

  • Reduce delays for visas, PRs, and Citizenship

  • Address fraud and misinformation abroad

The Future Party Canada platform Labour Rights hardhat worker mural
Labour Rights

Labour, Economy

  • Promote hybrid work arrangements

  • Improve work-life balance

  • Improve productivity

  • Prepare for potential AI disruption

The Future Party Canada platform National Security Ottawa war memorial
National Security

Security, Government

  • Combat foreign interference

  • Meet alliance commitments

  • Make our armed forces combat ready

  • Boost military recruitment and R&D

The Future Party Canada platform Rare Earth Elements Brockville tunnel
Rare Earth Elements

Economy, Industry, Environment

  • Benefit from our wealth of resources

  • Refine locally

  • Supercharge re-industrialization and green transition

  • Diversify our REE sources

The Future Party Canada platform Suburban Vitalization Furry Creek neighbourhood
Suburban Vitalization

Development, Affordability

  • Bring our suburbs to life

  • Create factors that support community building

  • Help make suburbs more self-sustaining

  • Develop town squares at the heart of suburbs

The Future Party Canada platform Trans issues LQBTQ flag
Trans Issues

Culture, Identity

  • Government must not enforce morality

  • Respect trans people's right to express themselves

  • Respect religious people's right to express their positions

  • Uphold mutual respect

The Future Party Canada platform budgeting CN tower Toronto


  • Cut unnecessary spending

  • Save by reducing administrative bloat

The Future Party Canada platform Cultural Sovereignty violin wall Toronto
Cultural Sovereignty


  • Repeal Bills C-11 and C-18

  • Invest into and promote Canadian creators

  • Launch non-political programs of benefit to Canadians

  • Strengthen the CBC's neutrality requirements

The Future Party Canada platform Economic strategy Calgary tower
Economic Strategy


  • Redirect investment towards productive industries

  • Prioritize a relevant selection of industries

  • Broadly expand R&D funding

  • Abolish internal trade barriers

The Future Party Canada platform Electoral Reform Ottawa snail mural
Electoral reform

Government, Elections

  • Ranked-Choice Voting immediately

  • Return Per-vote Party Funding

  • Look into more representative systems to implement

The Future Party Canada platform gold reserves Sudbury Dynamic Earth
Gold Reserves

Economy, Security

  • Have one

  • We mine enough gold

The Future Party Canada platform government labour Ottawa downtown
Government Labour

Labour, Government

  • Lead by example

  • Improve work-life balance

  • Add a non-managerial promotion path

  • Reform job category system

The Future Party Canada platform housing affordability Ottawa building rainbow
Housing Affordability

Affordability, Economy

  • Responsibly pop the housing bubble

  • Put an end to housing speculation

  • Blanket rezone land use

  • Save households that bought too high

  • Increase non-market home supply

Sudbury rail station
Intercity Railway Plan

Development, Infrastructure

  • Prioritize higher frequency rail first

  • Introduce higher speed over time

  • Canada-wide

The Future Party Canada platform More is Coming Ottawa blue statue
More is on the Way


  • Rural plan

  • Economic Policy

  • Healthcare

  •  Labour

The Future Party Canada platform Immigration Pause Niagara Falls winter snow
Pause Most Immigration

Immigration, Government

  • For 1 to 2 years

  • Help reform the system quicker

  • Focus effort into clearing backlog

  • Make exceptions for students, refugees, & tradespeople

  • As a side-effect will reduce pressure on prices

The Future Party Canada platform industrialization Sudbury train tracks

Economy, Technology, Industry

  • Develop productive industrial bases

  • Create a mix of skilled white and blue collar jobs

  • Solve our productivity issues

  • Foster leadership in new industries

The Future Party Canada platform Tackling Drug Abuse bridge nighttime
Tackling Drug Abuse

Security, Health, Affordability

  • Solve why people fall victim to drugs in the first place

  • Focus on rehabilitatating current victims

  • Harm reduction as part of treatment

  • Crackdown on sources of drugs

The Future Party Canada platform Urban Revitalization Vancouver fall colours
Urban Revitalization

Affordability, Development

  • Make cities feel alive again

  • Pedestrianize promising squares

  • Improve public transport

  • Solve the homelessness and opioid crisis

The Future Party Canada platform AI policy Calgary bow tower
AI Policy

Technology, Security, Economy

Boost and encourage AI development and adoption.

Prepare for the disruption.

The Future Party Canada platform cultural freedoms First Nation Tipi
Cultural Freedoms

Culture, Identity

Personal liberty is paramount

The Future Party Canada platform EV Infrastructure car foggy parking lot
EV Infrastructure

Infrastructure, Development, Environment

For EV adoption to kick off, people must be able to drive worry-free.

Boosting small towns along the way is a big plus.

The Future Party Canada platform education Carleton University picture
Education Stances

Identity, Culture, Family

Education is fully provincial, we will not change that.

This plank is here because we were asked.

The Future Party Canada platform environment Wolfe Island wind turbines
Environmental Strategy

Economy, Environment

Expand our power grid with clean energy, phase out polluting projects over time, and R&D

The Future Party Canada platform Government reform Ottawa parliament under construction
Government Efficiency


Cut bloat and unnecessary spending, help public sector employees find private work.

Government Transparency

Government, Security

Increase transparency across the board by making information on government and politicans easily and cheapily accessible.

The Future Party Canada platform Immigration reform Immigrant statue Quebec City
Immigration Reform

Immigration, Economy

Provide the immigrants we accept with the tools and space to integrate.

Fixing that requires deep reforms.

The Future Party Canada platform Labour Rights hardhat worker mural
Labour Rights

Labour, Economy

Improve worker productivity. Improve work-life balance.

Prepare for AI disruption.

The Future Party Canada platform National Security Ottawa war memorial
National Security

Security, Government

Our rights and freedoms need to be protected by an effective national security policy

The Future Party Canada platform Rare Earth Elements Brockville tunnel
Rare Earth Elements

Economy, Industry, Environment

They are necessary for modern and green tech.

We have plenty of unmined deposits.

The Future Party Canada platform Suburban Vitalization Furry Creek neighbourhood
Suburban Vitalization

Development, Affordability

Suburbs across Canada all feel and look the same, we should encourage town squares at their heart.

The Future Party Canada platform Trans issues LQBTQ flag
Trans Issues

Culture, Identity

It is not the government's role to enforce one set of morality over another.

People have the right to express who they are and what they believe.

The Future Party Canada platform budgeting CN tower Toronto


Identify and cut unnecessary spending with end goal to balance budget.

The Future Party Canada platform Cultural Sovereignty violin wall Toronto
Cultural Sovereignty


Dead cultures need preservation, living ones deserve promotion.

Repeal Bills C-11 and C-18. The CRTC should promote Canadians not regulate them.

The Future Party Canada platform Economic strategy Calgary tower
Economic Strategy


Redirect investment towards useful industries and boost R&D.

The Future Party Canada platform Electoral Reform Ottawa snail mural
Electoral reform

Government, Elections

A better election system is necessary for a democracy to thrive.

The Future Party Canada platform gold reserves Sudbury Dynamic Earth
Gold Reserves

Economy, Security

We have literally zero...

We should have one. We mine enough gold.

The Future Party Canada platform government labour Ottawa downtown
Government Labour

Labour, Government

Lead labour reform efforts by example.

Improve internal efficiency.

The Future Party Canada platform housing affordability Ottawa building rainbow
Housing Affordability

Affordability, Economy

We will responsibly pop the bubble and bail-out average Canadians.

Sudbury rail station
Intercity Railway Plan

Development, Infrastructure

Robust high frequency and high speed railway system will connect Canadians more and juice up our economy.

The Future Party Canada platform More is Coming Ottawa blue statue
More is on the Way


Stay tuned!

The Future Party Canada platform Immigration Pause Niagara Falls winter snow
Pause Most Immigration

Immigration, Government

Temporary for 1 to 2 years with exceptions.

Reduce pressure while the immigration system is reformed.

The Future Party Canada platform industrialization Sudbury train tracks

Economy, Technology, Industry

Identify Canada's industrial potential and promote its development.

The Future Party Canada platform Tackling Drug Abuse bridge nighttime
Tackling Drug Abuse

Security, Health, Affordability

Combine harm reduction and rehabilitation to help victims.

Focus on affordability to fix the root of the problem.

The Future Party Canada platform Urban Revitalization Vancouver fall colours
Urban Revitalization

Affordability, Development

To make cities feel alive again there should be more public spaces and they should be affordable for people to live there.

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© 2023 by The Future Party of Canada. Privacy Policy.

All photographs used were captured by Amr Nosir, the party leader

All art was made using the AI generator midjourney   |   Mailing address: Suite #227, 99-1568 Merivale Road, Ottawa, ON, K2G 5Y7

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