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Work-life balance is productive

Labour Rights

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General Goals

  1. Improve work life balance

    • Investigate potential for less work hours

    • 4-day work weeks

  2. Promote hybrid work

  3. Plan for the effects of AI on the labour market

    • Reskilling opportunities

    • Support for people who lose their jobs

  4. Increase worker productivity

    • Incentivise private investment into employee productivity

    • Increase accessibility to getting productive capital

    • make upskilling opportunities more accessible

Additional Goals

  1. Promote digitization to boost worker productivity

  2. Make side hustling literally just that, a side thing

  3. Incentivise lower pay gaps between executives and employees

    • Lower corporate taxes, the smaller the gap maybe

      • Formula that tapers off

    • Account for bonuses and stocks given to executives

  4. Address shafting of part-time workers


  1. Canadian productivity is falling significantly behind OECD levels

    • Lack of capital investments by businesses into the workforce is the main cause

  2. Government should lead by example

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