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Acceptance and parental rights can coexist

Trans Issues

At the heart of our stances are our beliefs on cultural freedoms. You can can find them in this brief page.

This woke vs anti-woke debate has started to revolve a lot more around trans issues and honestly it is a waste of time, energy, and effort that does not solve any of the problems our society, including transfolk, faces.

The affordability crisis is an equalizer that has both cis and trans people dealing with many of the same day-to-day life problems

Trans people represent

  • 0.2% of entire population

  • 0.5% of Millenials

  • 0.79% of Gen Z

  • literally a minority within a minority

  • Gender dysphoria has been an observed phenomenon across the world and throughout history

  • Some cultures rejected and suppressed it

  • Others celebrated it

  • Others didn't care

To the trans rights advocates:

  • The biggest problem facing the trans community is the affordability crisis

  • Having cis people declare their pronouns won't fix that

  • Diversity and inclusion quotas won't fix that

  • Companies waving flags for a month won't change that

To the anti-trans folk:

  • How exatlty is making the lives of <1% of people harder going to solve any of our problems

  •  How weak is our culture that when <1% are different it is suddenly compromised and dying

  • The cost to support them is negligible compared to our spending on other things

  • Our political parties have probably spent more money making woke and anti-woke campaign ads than

Our positions:

  • Personal freedom is paramount

  • Respect that different people can be radically different from us but are still worthy of a basic level of respect regardless, as long as they're harmless

    • Harmless here means non violent/abusive

    • Moral harm is deeply subjective

  • Trans people have the right to respectfully express themselves freely

    • The right to be called by their preferred pronouns and names

    • But not the right to force others to support the way they express themselves

  • People who disapprove of transition have the right to respectfully express themselves freely

    • They have the right to argue why they think transitioning or expressing it is wrong for whatever reason

    • But not the right to force/restrict others from seeking or expressing their identity

  • Acknowledging that both camps exist is important

    • Replace pro- and anti- trans advocates with any two different religious groups and the importance of acknowledging that there are good and bad people on both sides becomes important

    • Restriction of personal freedoms based on moral grounds sets a concerning precedent

    • For religious freedoms especially

    • Not all slippery slope arguments are fallacies

  • For children

    • We support non medical gender-affirmative care like counseling, support groups, etc.

      • Helps them understand themselves,

      • Has demonstrable effectiveness

      • Respects parents' right to promote their beliefs to their kids at home

    • Medical gender-affirmative care like hormonal therapy, surgeries, etc.

      • Only when they reach legal adulthood, i.e. 18 years old. (Pending some research and feedback, we might change this position to require parental consent for minors)

      • Children and especially teens are uncertain about a lot of their identity so their personalities change over time.

      • Someone who is done going through puberty and highschool is more likely to make the right decision about affirming their identity

      • Plus the effectiveness of medical intervention at a young age is mixed at best. (Will add links soon)

    • We are against CPS involvement in most cases, unless actual abuse is involved physical or otherwise.

    • Our stance on teaching the topic in schools can be found here.

    • We understand that there are adults who transitioned late but where always sure about their identity throughout their upbringing who would have preferred going through the medical process earlier. However, personal experience is not universal, especially now that non-binary identities are more accepted.

      • The discrepancy between younger and older generations might indicate that some of the youth who identify as non-binary are in a questioning phase

  • For sports:

    • Up to each organization in our opinion

    • Personal recommendation is to create a third league anyone can compete and keep male and female leagues cis only

    • Won't make it a matter of policy or law and won't go out of our way to promote that stance

Agree? Disagree? Leave us know in chat below!

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All photographs used were captured by Amr Nosir, the party leader

All art was made using the AI generator midjourney   |   Mailing address: Suite #227, 99-1568 Merivale Road, Ottawa, ON, K2G 5Y7

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