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The beating hearts of our economy should feel alive

Urban Revitalization

General Goals

  1. Make cities feel alive again

  2. Cities should be able to house minimum wage workers

  3. Solve homelessness and the opioid crises

Additional Goals

  1. Reduce inner city car dependence

  2. Improve public transportation

  3. Avoid ghetto creation


  1. Improve affordability

    • Cities are alive when people can afford to live in them

    • Convert some of the office buildings into apartments and condos

    • Rezone to allow quick approval of mixed used buildings, especially high rises

  2. Help pedestrianize certain downtown core areas like

    • Parliament and Byward in Ottawa

    • Young Dundas square in Toronto

    • Certain parts of historical Quebec City

  3. Municipalities would propose a lits of areas they think will benefit from pedestrianization

    • And open air parking spaces that can be expanded underground or above ground if there will be a loss of parking spots

  4. Subsidize and invest in better public transportation

  5. Homelessness and opioid addiction go hand-in-hand

    • Camp grounds and safe supply save lives but don't solve the issue

    • Tough on crime moves the problem out of sight but doesn't solve why people end up spiraling in the first place

    • The solutions:

      • Housing Affordability because if high income earners struggle to afford rent, low income earners are shit out of luck

      • The safe supply policy should be part of a wider rehabilitation program that includes:

        • A dorm type of facility

        • Drug rehabilitation and weaning is the priority

        • Includes vocational training

        • Includes job opportunities that pay competitively

        • Includes the basis of building a support network of people similar situations

      • People have multiple chances to go through the system

      • Our Anti Drug Policy

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